你常常看avi檔,結果有聲無影嗎? 你愛看rm檔,但realplayer要錢,又不好用嗎? 快來這個網站下載你所欠缺的影音解碼包吧! 下載頁 codecs.com 建議下載安裝 K-Lite Codec Pack Real Alternative QuickTime Alternative DVD AVI檔(網路下載電影族必備解碼包)←K-Lite Codec Pack K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and related tools. Codecs are required to encode and/or decode (play) audio and video. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your movie files. With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play 99% of all the movies that you download from the internet. RM RMVB檔(網路電視族、網路卡通迷必備良包)←Real Alternative You do need a player that is capable of playing RealMedia. The included Media Player Classic supports it and works very well. Supported: RealAudio (.ra .rpm), RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb .rpx .smi .smil), RealText (.rt), ReadPix (.rp), RealMedia embedded in webpages. .smi and .smil files sometimes only play the first part of a clip. This is a limitation of the current Media Player Classic . The RealMedia Browser plugin supports ...